Friday, June 25, 2004

manila trauma

early morning i wanted the day to end and to go back here @ p'que, eat all lutong bahay that i love, rest in my bed w/ my 5 pillows, sit infront of my comp. and to be able to watch t.v...
english period w/ our prof who teaches dn @ san beda..
after prayer he said: "st. benedict.." i answered "pray for us." shmpre all of my classm8s didn't know wat to reply kc st. benedict is the patron saint of san beda and st.scho, and definitely not ceu's. tpos he continued.. "that in all things..." i answered again *ONLY i* "...God may be glorified." this is wat we say every after prayer at st.scho and san beda.. i'm really used to it, kya upto know i still say that sentence on my mind lang every after prayer..

wat a day!!!!!!!! had my period, went to bpi to get my atm card, ta's went to g4 to meet with kae and roseann ann wasn't able to make it..
here's the worst part of the day:
--i almost got lost way back sa dorm.. i rode mrt then lrt, and i was expecting jeeps sa ila2lim ng lrt, pro wla..ta's i followed people nlang sa main highway.. ta's i asked the driver kung da2an ng ceu and he said 'yes'.. bndang quiapo i noticed na prang 'di cya da2an dun so i asked agen, then the stupid driver said na ppntang espanya un.. the hell! good enough na wen i asked him agen sakto sa street na nili2kuan on the way to ceu..e im not that sure that tym, kya un..i have no choice to take a cab nlang..
sa dorm: wen i entered our room, amoy nasunog.ta's i saw aika's letter to ate ayn na umusok ung adaptor..buti nlang di nasira ung laptop.. ta's un, i w8d for them sa study area, i txtd kae*one of my room8s* pra mgpabili ng siopao kc i was craving for it that day, i dunno why.. e g2bhin daw cya, tpos c aika nman left her phone sa cabinet, ate ayn nman the next day pa uuwi..aion, e i was really desperate to eat a around 7pm i went to 711, i set my mind that tym na not all the tym im with someone who can go with me everywhere i go..kya un, from 711 going back sa dorm a red car stopped with a decent guy around 20's na, i thot he's gonna ask for directions or sumthing.. but hell NO! he asked the rudest and really freaky question i ever heard in my 4/5 years of studying in manila..
ampotah! i really freaked out to the point na i cried for an hour ata ta's i really thot i was going to be insane kc i have no one to talk to there..good thing was that i txtd mawik and kae..grbe, just bcause of that stupid siopao that i wanted.. * it really sounds funny* aion, wen i talked to my room8s about that, ate ayn told me nlang na buti nlang nothing worst than that happened.
there i came to realize na un pa nga lang nk2loka na sa sobrang trauma wat more pa kya ung mga may body contact..
aion, kya for those who'll study at manila, be really lgay kung to na mg55years na dun.. aion..
knna i told my mom na bout that..dpat di ko s2bhin e, nsbi nya na she wasn't able to sleep last nyt..e una kong cnbe sknya knna na nlgnat ako kgbe..kya un, kya daw cgro gnon kc she can sense na something bad happend nga.. ta's ska ko nren cnbe sknya..but my dad and bro doesn't know bout it... aion, hngang ngyn i have fever pa.. i dunno if it's because of stress and change of weather or psychological because of wat happened last nyt..

i hope to feel better tom...

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