Monday, June 07, 2004

1st day..

1st day ni bryan sa ateneo, 1st day ni ella sa ST. Agnes Acadamey..

*badtrip 2ng keyboard ha..bte nlang meh on-sreen keyboard na..*

haaaayyyyyy......wat would it be on the 1st day of my college lyf??
would it be lyk in high school??
hehehe.. crissy, my very first friend in ST.Scho and my classm8 & seatm8 for 2 years..introduced me to the whole batch..
well, not actuali to the whole batch..only 80%..mga old students..
hay, gnon dn kya ka-friendly ung mga tga ceu??
i know it's for me to find out..:p
bsta my cousin told me na he'll introduce me to one of his gf na from ceu..yep! u heard it of his gf..lolz!
bilib ako dun! lufet! he's a graduate of ceu college of pharmacy, always ksma sa dean's list upto now na he's @ mcu*dmretso cya sa pg2ng doc.*, top 17 sa board exam, president ng frat, and has many girlfriends.. o dba?! san ka pa!?! hehehe..

nweiz, enough of my cousin..
i'm a little bit worried about me going to a dorm..
san ako mgbbreakfast and dinner??
wat will i do w/o a tv, radio and comp?

thank goodness, my bro will lend me his diskman..

hay, o well, i ges this is lyf...

nwei ulit.. obviously, we weren't able to go to st.scho k it's raining na nman..

mawik: prhas nman tyong wlang class pgSAt e..mk2gmik nman cgro tyo pg'di bc.. and ung nka-gala na grad pic ko, tgnan mo nlang sa lightbox pix ko, otei!? amishu! tc!:p

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