Thursday, March 25, 2004

seniors, GRAD bALL!

it started out not that ryt..
first wen i got my hair trimmed, it wasn't that good because the other stylist did it. and I HATE IT!!!!
so i have no choice, i did my own thing...i fixed my hair, and make up my self...*prang it's not bgay..:p*
bsta un, turned out nice with the shinny-shimmering-splendid eye shadows and lip gloss...
w8d for lyk 3 hours for my father..
i shud be @ shang mga 430 'coz the call tym was 4:00 c/o one of our sponsors, Picture Card...
BUT NO!! i arrived there mga 7:00pm..and i hate being l8..
good thing is they lined up their for so long for the wla rin..mga during the program ung pic ek2..
wen i entered the ball.. sheesh! back to 60's! hehehe.. almost everyone wore that tube/halter-below the knee-dress and skeleto shoes..and i'm so one of them.. hehehe...some wore din the big colorful earings..
lace even had that 60's hairstyle! lolz!:p
aion, video presented c/o SCO peeps and sir ronio..from first year-4th year events..
sir ronio, Ms.Quibilan and Ms.Estrella were atenean with two kulasas..:p
we dance all nyt! whoohoo! mas msya compared last year.. with the rock bands and dj this year..
un nga lang onti sponsors this sya pren! hehehe...
after the ball, dpat i'll go with ann and leah sa starbucks and street lyf...but my dad arrived agad..kya un..
erika and kae! scan nyo pix nten ha! hehehe... pti batch pix...

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