Saturday, March 13, 2004

oookei... i thot doing nothing is fun..but im certainly wrong...

for the past few days:
days of tears... some teachers and admin (sir ronio and Mrs.Ferrer 2 be exact) bid us farewell..with a recap and farewell speech.. hehehe..
when we where in first year:
teachers were challeged and the HS admin adressed us as the MAFIA in st.scho..
my very first performance on stage *it was a play, all of us were involved* and im in the dance part..ballet thing..
2nd year: over-all champion sa intrams, had this 2nd-3rd year issue that's y wlang intrams nung third year..
play ulit, dance part ulit role..
3rd year: shake's fest!!! dance part ulit.. *erotic dance at the start of the play, last part..ala broadway..* we won 2nd place for the comedy and over-all tie with the merchant of venice..
4thyear: grad song compe! wow, mas okei sumyaw on stage kesa kmnta..kht na as a class..
aion, sir ronio cried..he's considered as one of the terror teachers in st.scho... first time we saw him as seniors, he shouted and make mura on us bec. we're so noisy *the usual*, he was challeged daw kc he thot we r tough but we r sweet and just having a fun lyf kya we have that different kind of smyl, laugh and hirits.. hehehe.. *sad part* wen he told us that st.scho wouldn't be that complete with our noise.. *well, ALL kulasas r loud pero ours is different daw* :c
tpos we had our batch reco.. batch reco, so dpat as a batch but nde e.. the seniors that'll be graduating on summer wasn't allowed to join us na.. so un, ang sad kc 9 wla sa batch..

aion nga, k2miss dn mging hectic..
i just stared at the tv screen or the comp. monitor... i fixed my scrapbook na.. but it wasn't enuf...i had nothing to do..tpos ang init pa.. kya i decided to go to mkti.. as usual ngmkang st.scho ang mkti, kulasa everywhere..esp. seniors...
krizel wasn't able to go there na e since andun c ann, ngkta nlang kme.. saw kae din kya lang she's with his dad..
met jj *ann's bestfriend*..e they went pa to timezone with tina.. im not into playng 2day kya i told them na i'll go home nlang..
pro i didn't, hehehe.. stroll2 all by myself.. so many people pa kc sale.. e knowing myself everytym na meh sale i always end up with nothing... i cnt think or i cnt find wat i need to buy.. kya un...

hay, B-O-R-I-N-G!!! that's all i can say..

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