Wednesday, March 31, 2004


hehehe...we'll be going to baguio tom.. lolz! i haven't been their for lyk AGES!!!
the best part is that i won't be going with my family @ my dad's syd this holy week and i won't be celebrating my 17th birthday withg them! *cheer!* i really h8 spending my vacation @'s soooooooooo BORING there! i swear!
instead, i'll be going to bicol and celebrate my easter & bday @ the same tym with the Romano clan..which is gonna be soooooooo fun! hehehe...
then i'll be back on the 16th with my cousin who will be taking up review class this summer... and that's it!

mawik: wla lang...mishu! meh psok ka pa ba?!
rach: oist! enjoy ur summer!:p
aleigna: one of these days ko syo iccnd ung mga email add nla..hehehe..bsta this summer.:p

Monday, March 29, 2004

ale: cnd ko syo nxt tym ung mga email adds..

mawik: this summer i think i have a lotsa tym to go out in this house...
i think.. mishu gurl! mwuah!
okei..i have to make this sooooo short...
summer vacation is already starting for me.. *cheers!*
cuz'ns arrived last sat.. the next day and 2 day, we went shopping for their clothes..shemps, mjo sbet nko dun.. lolz!
had fun! and 2mrow our place will be FULL HOUSE! 3 families in one roof.. hehehe...
i'll be gone for lyk 4 days...our list of places to go is as follows:
ilocos @ uncle ron's house then 2 days @ baguio then banawe then ocean adventure! of course with the whole Romano clan..

Thursday, March 25, 2004

seniors, GRAD bALL!

it started out not that ryt..
first wen i got my hair trimmed, it wasn't that good because the other stylist did it. and I HATE IT!!!!
so i have no choice, i did my own thing...i fixed my hair, and make up my self...*prang it's not bgay..:p*
bsta un, turned out nice with the shinny-shimmering-splendid eye shadows and lip gloss...
w8d for lyk 3 hours for my father..
i shud be @ shang mga 430 'coz the call tym was 4:00 c/o one of our sponsors, Picture Card...
BUT NO!! i arrived there mga 7:00pm..and i hate being l8..
good thing is they lined up their for so long for the wla rin..mga during the program ung pic ek2..
wen i entered the ball.. sheesh! back to 60's! hehehe.. almost everyone wore that tube/halter-below the knee-dress and skeleto shoes..and i'm so one of them.. hehehe...some wore din the big colorful earings..
lace even had that 60's hairstyle! lolz!:p
aion, video presented c/o SCO peeps and sir ronio..from first year-4th year events..
sir ronio, Ms.Quibilan and Ms.Estrella were atenean with two kulasas..:p
we dance all nyt! whoohoo! mas msya compared last year.. with the rock bands and dj this year..
un nga lang onti sponsors this sya pren! hehehe...
after the ball, dpat i'll go with ann and leah sa starbucks and street lyf...but my dad arrived agad..kya un..
erika and kae! scan nyo pix nten ha! hehehe... pti batch pix...

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

whEw! grbe, la me mhnap na ryt pic for my lay-out.. i kinda don't lyk that anime thing here..
anyways.. mjo ktmad mgkwnto 'bout grad..i'l make it short nlang..
the Seniors were freaked out 'coz of the bad weather that day..kc if ever it rains plan A will be posponed w/c is sa field and complete traditional things..plan B is sa st.cecils e since 'di kasya lhat ng guests..only parents can enter tpos we cant sing pa our grad song on the stage kc 'di kya buong batch..
during the mass, it drizzled twice..and the 2nd tym e mlkas tlga..we can hear the teachers in charge talking kung plan B ba..then Mrs.Ferrer looked at us, and we pleaded not we just pray..*grbe, lampas na kme sa lngit*.. thank gOd the drizzled subsided..hehehe... tpos most of the things that we practiced like simple peace be with you, feet together, sit like a princess..e 'di nsnod.. everyone even shouted after the last person in the batch.. *we dnt have toga kc, gala ung traditional nmen, it is used for special occassions* kya un...hehehe...
during the singing of the grad song and college hymn wherein all of us was in the stage..halos lhat tagagtak ang luha..
and i'm one of them..hehehe..i heard kc sum1 cried in a funny way tpos some of the teachers and nuns cried din..hehehe..cgro at the back of their mind "at last, ggraduate nrn ang mga 2!" hehehe... nk2iyak din kc some of our batchm8s who unfortunately wasn't able to march this March with us were there infront taking a picture...
after, recessional, wyl walking in the red carpet my brother dear handed me a boquiet of flowers..* aaww, touched ako1:p* hehehe...ta's un... we ate @ baywalk.. hehehe..hmla daw i ddnt ask for any grad gift.. e kc i cnt think of uncle gave me a new phone, my aunt sent me the exact fossil watch that i'm dying to have last christmas...e aion.. hehehe..i told them na something relaxing nlang tipong body massage.. hehehe..pmyag nman mom ko.. pg meh tym daw...

we went to skul..thmik na cya esp. our place... aion, we wnt there to get the pic during the grad..takte! 300 for 3 pictures! i dnt even lyk the picture.. hehehehe...
tpos we went to mkti, kae helped me to find the ryt grad ball shoes that'll fit my dress.. and i found it! hehe..
skeleto cya, i lyk the strap and the hills... tpos un, stroll ever.. we w8d for arv @ taters for lyk 2 hrs..mjo ang friendly nga ng mga chairs dun e.. hehehe..; kc they have classes pa, *csa* aion, bday nya..mjo he's asking me to go with them sa house nla kae kc andun dad ni kae and sympre ako na nman ang sbet.. hehehe... her dad ddnt know na cla.. mjo he's letting me smell pa the pizza na tnake out nya for us.. kulit ever! too bad d2 sa sucat unang dumaan ung shuttle kya i ddnt go with them na...

Saturday, March 20, 2004

CoNgrAtuLatiOnS sEniOrS!!!

seniors, signing off...

Enter High School - the department of transit passes, late slips and the sunflower-filled CSF's office. It opened us to new ideas, new friends, and new fears.

As a freshman I did the only thing I knew how to-go with the flow. 1-O days - My first year ranks as one of my not-so-best maybe because it gave me a hard time to adjust to a school that I never wanted to go to. Gen. Science was the best; someone would bring chips, another would bring drinks, and everyone would be happy. I never thought I would hit it off with my true-blue-scholastican classmates, yet a lot of them eventually turned out to be close friends. Sewing class also had its moments; no 1-O student could ever forget Ms. Ponce's "Very good girls! You will receive a star from me" and her hair that seems to be a wig. The Eco play which is my very first performance on stage. Ms. Magbanua's "pleing and stretch" on our ballet class. And the subiaco pool for our swimming.

Sophomore year was one I did enjoy. Room 207 to us was home for the year. With a lot of "third-eye-sighted" people being a part of our class, our classroom became somewhat of a haven for ghosts [ghosts were said to be by the aisle, by the window... the best one would probably the one sitting on the ceiling fan]. The Afro Asian play..not so good but I'm still part of the dance group.Despite of the piano in that room which we always play. I found my barkada. a bunch of issues clouded the year. Our class wasn't as bonded as we would like it to be, and I learned the hard way that subjects like Biology were classes you actually had to study for. One thing that kulasa will surely not forget is Sir Tol's different models of Nike shoes during our kickball, volleyball and basketball sessions.

3-ehL was a year of rediscovery. There I rekindled old friendships and made new ones *well, some..*; and I intend to keep them all. It was the year of issues and choreographed movements [shake's fest! Sniff sniff!] - I can remember most of them up until today. My kinky hair during our erotic dance in that play. The computer lab with Ms. Cunan. I got a very low grade for an elective class that time for not doing all the hands-on ex. Sir Tik's "pulutong humanay na!"

Senior year is about to officially end; our reign as St. Scho's Senioritas is about to be over as well. I will always remember Mrs. Bucad's mother-type personality and teddy bear hug. the "hear! hear!" and windows of oportunity during debate class. yes, even our award-laden bulletin board [hehe…]. I will never forget Mel's bopek voice, Pau's curly hair, Mara's slow sense of humor, kate's sneeze, April's laugh, Erikas bouncy hair, Shea's super-chinita eyes, Mara's dance moves, Patchoi's conceitedness, Allane's eyebrows, tiff's big boobs. Hehehe..., Minai's voice, kae's mood swings and Ann's boyish actions. I will miss being Betsy's Lab. partner, and Dorm C pipol! All those sleepless retreat nights, and the way that Mel freaked me out on our first night in tagaytay. Senior year is also the year of college applications: I don't deal well with rejection and I'm glad I didn't take the upcat. Anyway, entrance tests are usually multiple choice ones-have fun with them. I did, and it didn't got me my first choice at my first school choice.
It has been a hectic year; tough yet fulfilling, a memorable one, for sure.
Congratulations, Seniors. Though a few people weren't able to, I'm glad a lot made it. I haven't shed my tears yet, but expect the rivers to come gushing down later.

To the batches next in line, good luck. What you have ahead of you is one of the most memorable years you will ever face. Take out your piggy banks; expect seemingly-endless payments and miscellaneous fund-collecting. Prepare midnight snacks and energy drinks; expect one long, sleepless year. Invest in a scanner or find an accessible photo shop; expect Ropers to be very slow grad pic recopiers. Join your parents in grocery shopping and buy your baon there; expect quick breaks and lunch-less days. Finally, buy notebooks and USE them - expect the worst; slacking off is deemed to be fatal. If you dream to March in March, do all you can to attain that dream; it's a lot harder than it seems. Enter your senior year and arm yourselves with persistence and cheatmates; just don't get caught...hehe.

We are not your superiors, we are simply the peers who have gone through what you are about to face. We have survived, and so will you. Thank you, St. Scho, for the best years of my life.

This has been St. Scho's High School Seniors '04, now signing off.

Friday, March 19, 2004

"kulasa seniors"

Five very different people forced to write a philo paper as a group.
That's basically what we are. We belong to three different barkadas, three different clubs, and three different elective classes. Each of us will go to different schools next
year - one will even study abroad.

Right now, you're probably thinking that we have absolutely nothing in common. You're dead wrong. We belong to the same batch, we belong to the same class, but more than that, we belong to the same group of people known for wearing white ruffled blouses and navy blue jumper skirts. We are Scholasticans who belong to Batch 2003-2004. So what?

St. Scho Manila has been existing for close to a hundred years. It has seen a lot of faces, sheltered a lot of students in its classrooms, and probably grilled every student before she (the student) graduated.
Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Calculus, Literature, History, Economics, General Science, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Panitikan, Wika, Grammar, CLE, Swimming, ball games, self-defense, Automotive, Dance, Computer Education, Music...These are just the general terminologies for what each of us had to go through before we could step at the point where we are right now - seniors getting ready to sign off.

For the past four years, our alarm would at 5:00 or 5:30 in the morning. We would stand up, beg God for another five minutes to sleep, go straight to the bathroom, then wear our uniform. Eat, kiss our parents goodbye and ride the jeepney / school bus or walk to school. We would go inside the classroom when the bell rings, run to our designated tambayans during breaks and after the last class in the afternoon. Everyday for the past four years, we were like this - carefree young women, juggling their academic and social life.

Our batch is really loud.No.That would be an understatement. Our batch is probably one of the most rambunctious St. Scho has ever had. Many of us are maloko, malakas mag-trip, and mahirit. Call it what you want, but we believe that Batch '04 without the noise is not Batch '04 at all. We may have had the most number of latecomers, absentees and offenders but we survived with a smile on our faces.

We had loads of work, especially this year, but we endured them all. As they
say, "tanggap ka lang ng tanggap." Of course we added our own spices to make life worthwhile. We laughed at our mistakes during Dance practical tests, amazed ourselves when some classes got boring, shouted at the top of our lungs during the Air Car race, howled a lot during the cheering competition last November (to make up for the lines we forgot), had a hidden angst against the clinic staff, and a lot more.

We got so comfortable with each other that burping in front of other people isn't an embarrassing thing anymore. Hell, some would even announce that they are going to release their burden anytime soon. We supported each other and been there for each not only during joke times but during trying times as well. Without the smiles and the boisterous laughter, maybe we wouldn't have survived.

We have one sure thing in common even though we are very, very different people. We are St. Scho's HS Batch '04 and we're damn proud of it. Okay, maybe that should have been two sure things.
One week to go before our graduation. One week to be with our friends. One week to patch things up and get ourselves ready. One week to be with batch branded by the administrators as mafia.

Hey, maybe we'll miss being the drop off points of the caterpillars residing near the stones.

-philo paper ng group nmen sa speech..

rEst day! after hOw many days of practices under the sun and with those stupid white shoes that gave me calyo... grbe, wat do they expect from us?! to perfectly follow wat they told us to do on our graduation day??
elo?!? we will do nman our part e, pro mlmang not that so perfect... they expect us to sit/stand at the same tym, sing so loud, and not talk.. hah! kme? not talk?? asa pa cla smen! ehehehe...
yestrday was our last day of practice..hehehe..last day na nga 'di pa pnlgpas..todo sermon ever c Mrs.Ferrer.. well, she have a point abt dun sa dress up thingy.. *i wont typ it here in full detail at bka lalo msra ang reputasyon ng mga kulasa* aio, it is soooo not the ryt thing to do...tpos abt dun sa mlkas na ngcomment/complain..c sajar ata un.. e kc nman ang init2 dun sa place nmen tpos lalo pa nla pnptgal...
goodthing 'di nla kme bnwsan ng ticket..'di lang bngyan ng ticket ung mga kelangan bmlik ngyon kc 'di approved ung shoes,under garments and gala uniform nla... yes, that's how perfectionist they are in our skul... takte! ung mga mli na wyt shoes pnbli pa tlga ulit..2 think na ung ibang shoes nla worth P800... kesyo 'di pwde ung shiney-shimmering-splendid, ung sobrang beige, ung white na white.. kya un...
TDR khpon, they timed the whole graduation rites...we wore na our complete outfit for tomorrw, ngpractice nren ung mga usherettes and cadettes... wyl we sang our grad song at the last part of the rites, most of us cried na agad..kc sir von*our former teacher na lumipat sa AC kc meh issue abt sknya sa scho* went to our practice, and pti cla hannah and tiff.. we really wish na pmnta ung mga former teachers nmen and other batchm8s na wla na sa scho and ung mga summer girls sa grad,.. if ever that'll happend, sobrang iykan wyl singing our grad song and college hymn..for sure..

today! sympre 6:30 ako ngcng..snyan.. tpos ngnet.. i found a really nyc 'di cya gmna...
went to my dentist..hehehe..this month na t2nggalin braces ko!!! hehehe...
i bought meg mag..and saw shea there..*ang gurly nampotah!:p*
at this very moment i just woke up..init e...

Saturday, March 13, 2004

oookei... i thot doing nothing is fun..but im certainly wrong...

for the past few days:
days of tears... some teachers and admin (sir ronio and Mrs.Ferrer 2 be exact) bid us farewell..with a recap and farewell speech.. hehehe..
when we where in first year:
teachers were challeged and the HS admin adressed us as the MAFIA in st.scho..
my very first performance on stage *it was a play, all of us were involved* and im in the dance part..ballet thing..
2nd year: over-all champion sa intrams, had this 2nd-3rd year issue that's y wlang intrams nung third year..
play ulit, dance part ulit role..
3rd year: shake's fest!!! dance part ulit.. *erotic dance at the start of the play, last part..ala broadway..* we won 2nd place for the comedy and over-all tie with the merchant of venice..
4thyear: grad song compe! wow, mas okei sumyaw on stage kesa kmnta..kht na as a class..
aion, sir ronio cried..he's considered as one of the terror teachers in st.scho... first time we saw him as seniors, he shouted and make mura on us bec. we're so noisy *the usual*, he was challeged daw kc he thot we r tough but we r sweet and just having a fun lyf kya we have that different kind of smyl, laugh and hirits.. hehehe.. *sad part* wen he told us that st.scho wouldn't be that complete with our noise.. *well, ALL kulasas r loud pero ours is different daw* :c
tpos we had our batch reco.. batch reco, so dpat as a batch but nde e.. the seniors that'll be graduating on summer wasn't allowed to join us na.. so un, ang sad kc 9 wla sa batch..

aion nga, k2miss dn mging hectic..
i just stared at the tv screen or the comp. monitor... i fixed my scrapbook na.. but it wasn't enuf...i had nothing to do..tpos ang init pa.. kya i decided to go to mkti.. as usual ngmkang st.scho ang mkti, kulasa everywhere..esp. seniors...
krizel wasn't able to go there na e since andun c ann, ngkta nlang kme.. saw kae din kya lang she's with his dad..
met jj *ann's bestfriend*..e they went pa to timezone with tina.. im not into playng 2day kya i told them na i'll go home nlang..
pro i didn't, hehehe.. stroll2 all by myself.. so many people pa kc sale.. e knowing myself everytym na meh sale i always end up with nothing... i cnt think or i cnt find wat i need to buy.. kya un...

hay, B-O-R-I-N-G!!! that's all i can say..

Wednesday, March 10, 2004

just arrived home from skul...
yey! wla ng acads!!!! hehehe...
so un, morning last exam sa econ..
after recess: checking of gala, shoes, undergarments and stockings... so mjo i need to buy pa a new cream shoes for the grad kc 'di pwde ung meh buckles...
after lunch: gRad orientation.. hehehe... we watched last year's grad..infairness hi-tech ung video.. hehehe.. astig din kc bsyds sa usherettes, meh mga cadettes.. *tma ba spelling?!:p* so un..
bDay ni ms. mendoza...hehehe.. ngbbday pa pla un! -joke!:p
sympre nlman ko din knna na 'di lang pla ung grade ko sa phy6 ung dndya nya, pti ung keh shea.. tsk,tsk..
aion... after dismissal we went to mcdo taft... *wow, that's one of the places that i'll surely miss..:c*
nweiz, it's kae and arv's monsry kc kya un, sympre ksma kme dba.. hehehe.. laugh trip, sobra! mga hirit e, pti ung nigre dnmay.. lolz! ambad!:p
ta's un, b4 pla kme mklbas ng skul mntik na sumbet. hehehe.. red sticker kc ID nmen ni ann *meaning carpool or private car* kya 'di kme mk2lbas so pgklbas nila kae and mel inabot nla ID's nla smen na meh yellow sticker *meaning commuter* aion, nkta nung isang gurl, bte nlang 'di kme cnta.. :p
tpos, went home.. kae and arv rode sa shuttle going bicutan, ako sucat...
hay, wla lang.. wla ng iicpn..:p

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

4 down, 1 more to go! Hehehe.. econ nlang tpos tpos na. Ay! Mli, ‘di pa pla tpos, submission ng Philo paper for speech sa Friday and Fil. Project sa 11…Lab report pa 2mrow… wow, last minute cramming na nman! hehehe…
so mjo I left my wallet sa van, and I’m w8ng for our driver to txt me the usernmane and password ng net card na asa wallet ko…

recap, recap…

Monday: March 8, 2004
Math and Fil.. okei, so mas mdli ang math kesa sa fil…
Went home mga 1pm, tgal kc ng mga tao sa carpool…
Whole day kme ngnnet ni kuya.. hehehe.. kampante daw ba sa physics.. :p
E kc I usually study at night, my mind can’t absorb things pgmeh araw pa esp. pgmainit.. hehehe… soundtrip hbang ngsscan ng notes.. ktmad na mgaral. I swear!

Mas mahirap lit. kesa phy6.
Kae told me the plans na.. sympre I cnt typ it here kc mb2sa ng taong un…bsta, Surprise!
Hay, grad, grad,grad…
Last mass with the HS unit ng seniors sa thurs.. I txted dn my big sis last Sunday.
Txt msgs:
VAn: gudmownin’ sis! Cn u drop by st.scho, I’l giv u a copy of my grad pic kc e…
Hershey: sure! I’l giv u myn rn. How abt 2mrow morning?? Wag lang 8 ha…I have class e…ano ib2gay mo, b n w or colored??
Van: otei! Mga wat tym sa morning?? Finals kc nmen e… b n w ung ib2gay ko syo. Hehehe…
Hershey: wat tym ka ba dmrting??
Van: 7am. Kelan ka ba free??
Hershey: aga nman! hehehe… tths free ako 9-11. break tym nyo nman during that tym dba??
Van: ya… this thurs nlang, recess tym.
Hershey: okei! C yah!
Van: otei! ‘enx! Yngatz!

Okei, so memorize ko cya… hehehe… astig! Sbay kme ggraduate.. she’s a former kulasa, wen I was in 1st year, 4th year cya.. *duh! Mlmang, big sis nga e!* and she’s studying at DLSU kya t2wid lang cya.. hehehe…

Wow! Antgal mgtxt ng driver nmen! connected na! nlto ung driver kc i have 3 internet cards inside my wallet *insyd?! mlamang!* aion...2 of it e ubos na,.. hehehe...

Friday, March 05, 2004

Maria Vanessa...

Does your name begin with: M
You may appear innocent, unassuming and shy; but we know that Appearances can lie. When it comes to sex, you are no novice but something of a skilled technician. You can easily go to extremes, though, running the gamut from insatiability to boredom with the whole idea of love. You can be highly critical of you mate, seeking perfection in both of you. It is not easy to find someone who can meet your standards. You have difficulty expressing emotions and drawing close to lovers. You are often selfish, thinking you are always right no matter what. You never give in. Winning is your prime desire- at any cost. You often forget friends and family and you live for the moment.

Does your name begin with: V
You are individualistic & you need freedom, space & excitement. You wait till you know someone well before committing yourself. Knowing someone means psyching her/him out. You feel a need to get into his/her head to see what makes him tick. You are attracted to eccentric types. You believe that age is no barrier. You are good at responding to danger, fear & suspense.


the week is almost over!!! hah!
grbe, wat a hectic week... in my 4 years stay in st.scho...eto pnka grbe!!!

tues: 3 hours of sleep.. projects, assign..clearance...watever!
wed: still awake until 2am ng thursday, doing the stupid project in visual basic, computer... i was able to finish the codes of that program mga morning na.. so un, i only had 3 hours of sleep...
thurs: polishing of the comp proj...studied in phy6...
friday: first part ng perio sa phy6, from 1st to 3rd quarter topics.. *at least, hnwlay nla sa 4th quarter topics*
2 hours ung exam sa phy6.. pamatay!!!!!
dismissal: occupied ng 1st years and bosconians ung stone tables nmen... they had their interaction.. unfair! 1st year plang interaction na agad.. *rison?! HS admin are trying to make them pure girls.. hehehe..:p*
LAST DAY OF ACADS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:p

hehehe... it all ended in our batch... lower batch, 'di naabutan ung mga d bESt teachers in st.scho... wla ng homo class *star section..bec of discrimination..:p*, their JUMP wasn't really that...ka-interaction nla dbti mkti, manda and claret... kme ATENEO during our tym...:p bsta, a lot of things will change wen we leave st.scho.. *sad..:c* artists, dancers, actresses,models, it and we have it.. hehehe...
tym flies so fast...kht na gago batch nmen, i know the HS admin and HS unit will miss us.. *yuck! cheesy..*
hay,...... 2 more weeks of grad practices and we're off...

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most
of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but
Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure
Angels always appear when a child is born, when
a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their
first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear
in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold
wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and
show their love to everyone in the world.

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

forgot to put one last thing...
I HATE PEOPLE WHO MAKES PAKIALAM MY THINGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
p*tang ina! mgkamatayan na!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

shit e! npthmik nung tnadtad ko ng mura knna.. hehehe...:p

to lyten up a bit:
waaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!! jezz!!!!!!!!!!! hehehe... reminis last nyt..
risons y i ddn't dance with him:
1. k2inom ko lang ng red wine...
2. meh kausap ako at pginiwan ko sya wla syang ksma kht hlos lhat asa dance floor and ayaw nya sumyaw!!!! GRRRRRR,...
3. msydong mlwnag pra smyaw sa dance floor...

tuesday!!! uhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm...1-2-----6 more acad days!!!!!!! hehehe...
but i still can't feel it eventhough l2gyan na ATA nla ng grass carpet ung "field" and tntyo na ung stage for grad...
after this week lang tlga, okei na...

so un,. recap of what happend 2day??
morning, so hot na!
hehehehe..npguspan din bout sa strike yestrday.. prang kme lang ung alam nmen na skul na suspnded sa mla..HS ha.. lyn ni sajar : "kc mdme commuters d2 compared sa mga R.K. sa poveda, ac and mc.. " hehehe...ung iba la tlga psok khpon dhl meh sumthing feast sa place nla lyk zobel daw..
>>Literature: kinda free tym, Mrs.Quiblan wasn't feeling well and stuff.. kya un, continuation ng defense 2mrw..
>>Music: la rin, clearance ek2 tpos she gave us tym to study for math..
>>recess: i can feel other people's aura..and i h8 it! pti ako nddown..without knowing the rison..
>>math: takte! pmtay! mdli kung mdli pro iba e! haba and nk2lito!
>>econ: sya as usual pro we had that "face" kc we were thinking abt math and gleng mnghuLa ni Mrs. Isidro.. hehehe... eto ha, this is accdg to her na for college ung lesson.. matrices and stuffs...
>>Lunch: i can still feel the aura, lalo na sa table.. *ehem* trying to lighten up, laughtrip with erika and mel... ann and kae on the other syd studying for phy6 and math..
>>Filipino: ska ko lang nlman na meh assign sa phy6, so no choice..copy.. hehhee... ngquiz din sa pani.. MAVY!!! hmpf! prang ilang beses ko na syo bnblong ung answer tpos ako 'di ko mnlang mkta paper mo! unfair!!!!
ooooookei..cheating.. hehehe... slight lang nman e, sa subj lang na'to and bsyds, 'di ako nk2copy, ako ang nko2pyhan...
shit e! sa scho lang ata pngaaralan ang ibong mandaragit.. to think na 4th year plang kme, dpat el fili plang.. but NO!!! last year noli and el fili na, tpos this year ibong mndrgit... ba un?! i h8 tagalog stories pa nman tpos abt politics pa! tsk,tsk... actuali, never ako ngbsa..since first year...ibong adarna, noli, el fili etc... hehehe... bluff lang and ol, okei na..
>>Phy6: WALA!!! k2antok and not in the mood to listen to her... i can feel na b4 mgend ung period na un mg2lit sya or sumthing lyk that..true enuf, she did.. hehehe...bgong gupit kc..lolz!:p

hay, st.scho is HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*acads ha...*
pro people there, esp. HS.. HEAVEN!!! hehehe...-joke!:p

>>dismissal: so true, kae has a prob.. not actuali a prob.. something's been bothering her.. and i've sensed it last week pa..nbother din ako actuali.. abt arv.. bsta, gurl, i'll ryt u a letter mya...

MEL: wla tlgang kmlnit syo knna, i swear.. nktngin ako syo all the tym kc i was calling u nga..
hehehe.. ayaw mo nun, tlgang ggraduate ka na sa stscho..
*there was this "saying" na wla tlgang umaalis ng scho na wlang "experience" *
hehehe.. i had one last year, 4th year na nun.. astig!:p

Monday, March 01, 2004

wlang psok dhl sa strike ng ga jeepneys.. *that's one thing i lyk in studying sa mnila* hehehe.. mdlas affected ng mga nngya2re..

aion, whole day.. wlang nngyre... can't study nman kc sobrang init! grbe, i can feel the summer na at this very moment...

as usual, myang gbe na nman ako mgaaral pra sa exam sa math tom...
tpos 'di pko ngaaral pra sa first part ng perio sa phy6.. *thank God hinwlay ni Ms.tyn ung 1st-3rd quarter part ng perio sa 4th quarter*

aion..'di pko tpos sa comp project... infairness, ang hirap mnghula ng codes sa visual basic!!! grbe! lufet!
ta's defense pa pla sa literature and speech ng group nmen sa thurs.. argh!
i'm counting the days! i wanna end this school year na! as in! kht na i'l miss my fwends...:c

o cia, dme pko g2wen...