Wednesday, February 18, 2004

yesterday: a bad day! no doubts!

woke up so clumsy and sleepy...tryin' to control the cold temperature all over the place, ate just bread and hot chocolate *the usual breakfast i had b4*, shivering 'coz of the cold water and still not in the mood to go to skul "skul sucks! u dnt need them anyway, all u need in lyf is value, ethics and the basics to be able to survive..when u get to college, u'l forget wat u've learned in highschool, but all the experience and practical applications such as values and ethics will always remain" - that is what our speech teacher would tell us.. but hey! it's true, SO TRUE! y the hell do we need to learn algebra,phy6,speech etc... i kindda know y, but i dnt get the point..?? y do teachers lyk ms.tyn our teacher in phy6 would ryt a note on my papers, things lyk "very good! keep it up van!" when she really dnt mean it! when im here, gettin' the highest possible grades on my tests, quizzes, homeworks etc...she's there, giving me card grades that i dnt deserve! f*ck! what the hell is wrong with her! y did my kbrkda got a 78 wen she dnt pass 1 longtest, perio, and quizzes...wyl me, who have high grades on quizzes, passed the longtest and perio got a 76! wat a bitch! is her reason y she gave my kbrkda that grade because she sensed that she have a crush on her! sh*t! she's just lyk my chem teacher back in 3rd year! i just dnt wanna complain 'coz i know that ms.tyn is a kind of person who won't accept that she's wrong...and my mom will surely make sugod which i dnt wanna happen...

ookei, so that is just a part of yesterday's BAD DAY! *for crying out loud!*

another was my econ essay take home longtest... so there i was, wen i entered our classroom, i found it empty so i had no choice, went straight to the office to get an absent slip *'coz i didnt go to our family day* :;long lyn of students..the usual.. w8d for mins.. i wasn't aware that our OSR collected papers na, since the papers were kulang, she went back and askd us.. i gave her my paper, my other classm8s too gave their's l8... mrs.isidro didn't accept it.. so, technically we recieved a 0/50 longtest which is 20 percent of our cardgrade... we begged her, but NO! she didnt even came closer to talk to us, she just made that stupid signs that she will no longer accept it..

wat's up with teachers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2day:: not that bad... but again, alrgy attacks! so itchy and stuff..
nothing unusual happened... not in the mood in socializing with people this day...
just all of a sudden my "other syd" the quiet one came up.. lolz!

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