Friday, November 28, 2003

we had our 1st part of our intramurals.
ala UAAP! hehehe...

hehehe.. so there, as expcted, mlking JOKE TYM ung cheer. but take note: d best ang dance and cheers nmen! hehehe.. orig! 'di 2lad ng sophies! hehehe... mgkkmpe ang freshies,juniors and seniors.. well, sowee sa sophies...mdme clang kaaway... and ang foul ng cheer nla!!
so there, just lyk b4, pnlo kme sa lhat ng gmes...sucker chess, badminton swimming
actually, 2mrow pa championship. seniors will compete against the other winners...
ngchampionship na pla knna ung badminton and sucker badminton sucker

freshies! umaariba! hehehe... we think we have a descendant na when we leave st. scho.. well, gnon tlga! hehehe... mga li'l sistas nmen! hehehe...nha2wa na sa pgi2ng alaskadora nmen! and sympre, competitive lyk their big sistas! hehehe... xcting nga chmpionship ng bbol 2mrow, freshies vs. seniors! hehehe... ngmna na sa pg2ing bibo ng mga ate! hahaha...

so there, nxt part 2mrow!!!

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