Thursday, November 06, 2003

Can’t Get Over

“I’m missin’ you, and its makin’ me blue…
I’m missin’ you, a thousand miles away…from you…”

Have you ever experienced missing someone who is sooooo near, and yet so far?? Given the fact that this person played a BIG part in your life.
I mean, what’s the point of seeing him regularly when you don’t get to talk or to be with him. The worst is when he is your ex and you had a bad, as in BAD breakup with him without knowing the real reason at all.

Yes, you became friends afterwards. But after a while, the communication ended. You tried to tell him that you still have that something for him but still, something makes you hold back.

You’re happy for him, and there’s no doubt about it. You think he must have change now, and he’s happy with someone’s arms. Ignores them when you see them together.
You think you have moved on with your life after a year and two months now. But every time you see something that reminded you of him, you always tend to look back to those happy and sometimes sad memories of you together.

Every time you see him, you had this unusual feeling. It’s like you have a lots of butterflies in your tummies mixed with the hurt feeling in your heart.
You just can’t look straight in his way when he’s looking around. But when you know that he’s not looking on your way, you just tend to look back and look at him. And when his eyes met yours, there’s this unexplainable feeling you just can’t get off your system.

“I’m over with him.” That’s what your mind tells you, but this doesn’t always match with what the heart says. Getting over something is ending that something in a nice way. But with this situation there are times when you wish that you should have done this, you should have done that. Well, taking the risk is not that bad. But the tendency on thinking of taking the risk is holding back your feelings because of the thought that the situation might get worst. The problem is that most of your friends tells you to talk to him and tell him all about your feelings for him without expecting anything in return. But you’re having a doubt of doing this because you’re just afraid that he might misinterpret what you’re trying to point out and that he might take advantage of your feelings.

However, sometimes it’s better to let go of your pride and let the person involve know how you feel. Besides, the truth can set you free. Even if you’ve just spent 2 months and a half with him, he’s the one that you love and still love.
Now, am I making sense??

Well, the bottom line of this is that you know YOU’RE NOT STILL OVER HIM and until now you DON’T KNOW HOW TO DEAL WITH IT!

“I miss your love, since you’ve been gone.
I find it hard to go on…”

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