Sunday, November 23, 2003

waaah! meh psok na nman 2mrow! i bet mga bangag na nman mga tao sa skul... < dhil cards out yestrday and dhil monday na nman!> hmpf! di ko pa nk2ha card ko! actuali, cndya ko na 'di ipaala2 sa mom ko about sa cards out. hehehe... i'm pretty sure bmba me this quartr < olweis nman 2nd quartr ako tmtglid, what's with 2nd quarter ba??>
o well, i'll make a BIG bwe this quarter! argh! speaking of bwe, dme nmen projects and lkad this week!
monday, ordinary class day pro that's the day na down lhat ng tao sa skul...
tuesday, career exposure trip, our group < med and nursing > will go sa Phil. childrn's medcal centr, Delos santos medcal centr and United Labrtories inc... yey! alang elective! hehehe... and 'til 1pm lang kme! yahoo!
wednsday, alang psok pro meh group proj. so lang sens ung wed.
thursday, ordinary class.. 2pm dsmsal nmen that day so no prob!
and satrday, intrams!

so there, i nid more glow in the dark stars here in my rum, and curtain na beeds!
bdwy, and2 na sa rum ko 2ng comp and i have a fone with a speaker... hehehe.... sharing...

aion, i have to do sumthin' pa, so i better end this na..

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