Sunday, April 11, 2004

okei! i'm back again! hehehe..

upto now, can't find the ryt layout.. *sigh*
yEy! ayos na comp nmen! hehe..okei na ung sound and ntnggal na ung mga basura.. haha..

aion, 'di complete Holy Week ko dhl 'di ako nka pagprosisyon with u guys!!! *this is for mawik & co.* haay..buhay... bored to death kme ni kuya sa dad's syd last week end.. hehehe.. bad girl! tsk, tsk..
cute2 ni jamir!!! son of my cousin.. hehe.. taba2!

aion, 2mrow i'l be travelling agen..on my own..way to bicol..

'no pa ba?!

i'm 17!!!! *tanda mo na tsong!* haha! gnyan tlga buhay...
pero 'di ko pa feel..

o cia, hnap pkong layout!

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