Saturday, December 18, 2004

agang internet..:p

came from simbang gbe...
i'm here now sa comp shop at mjo may last exam pkme sa psyche..hehehe...
and di pko ngaaral!
well, ngscan ako ng notes...*does that count??
"all i have" by j.lo ung song,,hehe... prom mem'ries..:p sleepy pa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
la lang... new layout.. agen..e alang mgwa e...
infairness, i lyk this layout..hehehe...
*got the attitude?!*
mjo the "B.I.T.C.H" thing doesn't apply for me nga lang...*di nga ba?!*
pro ang cutie kc e...
hay, aion...dpat change ko dn ung music..."my perogative" by brit..
mjo di ko lang trip ung sound...hehehe...
hmpf! ala ng psok uste!!!!!!!!!
hay,aion..mya kta2 kme nila kae, mel,ann,eka *mlmang ksma ni kae c arv* sa mkti..

HABURDEI mELai & AnntoTs!!!!

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