Saturday, December 18, 2004

agang internet..:p

came from simbang gbe...
i'm here now sa comp shop at mjo may last exam pkme sa psyche..hehehe...
and di pko ngaaral!
well, ngscan ako ng notes...*does that count??
"all i have" by j.lo ung song,,hehe... prom mem'ries..:p sleepy pa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
la lang... new layout.. agen..e alang mgwa e...
infairness, i lyk this layout..hehehe...
*got the attitude?!*
mjo the "B.I.T.C.H" thing doesn't apply for me nga lang...*di nga ba?!*
pro ang cutie kc e...
hay, aion...dpat change ko dn ung music..."my perogative" by brit..
mjo di ko lang trip ung sound...hehehe...
hmpf! ala ng psok uste!!!!!!!!!
hay,aion..mya kta2 kme nila kae, mel,ann,eka *mlmang ksma ni kae c arv* sa mkti..

HABURDEI mELai & AnntoTs!!!!

Thursday, December 09, 2004

blankness ever!

sh*t! i'm here infront of this comp for lyk decades na!!! *hehehe..exag!*
hay nko! la pkong ng2wa sa hinayupak na project sa fil!!
waaah! *cryin' out loud!*
actuali, i have the research na..e nman! ang haba n2 noh!
no way i'm gonna waste my tym in typing these stuffs.. *speaking of laziness!*
eeeeeeeeeee.........wla think na tglog pa cya..
i'm thinking na ip2typing job ko nlang 2.. *tma ba ung term??*lolz!
nxt week na pasahan n2!
argh! how i wish na pwde k2lad nung HS...todo cram! hehehe
hay, missin' my HS lyf...
o well, that's lyf van! get use to it!

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

wla lang.. usual, ala na nman mg prof? *d hell!* hehehe...
hay nko! hmpf!
wla lang..wla lang tlga.

yey! alang psok bkas! hehehe...share ko lang...
sh*t! la nkong sense! la lang tlga akong mslat..
well, actuali, andme ko snang ikkwnto pro i'm not in the mood to put them into words ryt now...

Monday, December 06, 2004


wat a day?!
grbe ha...bngyo ba mga prof ngyon?? lolz!:p
wla lang...i feel so down... hay...buhay...
yeah, i'm ewan ko...knowing na may mga taong 'di sang-ayon or 'hurt' bec. of u..nk2a down dba?!
at the same tym, i dnt want to give up on some things...lalo na mga impt. things..
*shux! tma na van, okei! just go with the flow! this is ur lyf! la clang care...*