Sunday, August 15, 2004


Mood Changes, once in a blue moon, from being blue to being happy.
Happiness doesn't stay long, but being blue sticks like crazy glue.
Even if i am happy, people often ask me why I look so depressed.
Maybe I am.
Other people ask why I'm always happy like there's nothing wrong in the world.
Maybe I just don't care. I often hide my true feelings from everyone.
People who often see me think that i am a happy young lady without a care in the world, but the few people who really know, who have read my journals or sees through my outer shell, knows what kind of emotions are in me. These people often call me "weird".
I often get through the day without even talking about me.
However, when love comes into your life, that's a completely different ballgame.
Can't go on hiding everything anymore.
I let it out more often now, writing more, opening up more.
I have to, not because of obligation, because of Love.

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