Saturday, January 31, 2004

hay, kpgod ever!
yesterday, we went to e.k. with the other clubs... aion, treasure hunting, others took care of the kids (from an orphanage), and rides!:p ehehehe... sya2!

2day, supposedly i'm with kae and ann sa dbti fair and g4 ryt after sa don bo.. e un.. kae..sowee, i just dnt feel lyk going...kc pgod nga khpon and mp2god pko 2mrow.... i need to rest! hehehe... bsta, i dnt feel lyk going out lang 2day... i'll mke bwe nlang sa csa and ateneo thing...pwomise!!!:p

so there, my folks with my bro, joanne (gf nya), vaninay, and another friend will be going to manaoag 2mrow... to pray for their board exam next week... kuya, kya mo yan! kaw pa!:p
and im FREE! hahaha...i'l be attending 8am mass with the choir and ryt after we're gonna go to rach's place... ta's uwi sa bhay.. 3pm, i'll go to elorde for the practice with the sandals na daw..and un..mk2ta ko na nman c mig!!!ehehehe...:p

mawik, it's okei... :p c ya on sunday!!! my space account still exist pa pla...

so there, sna 2mrow will be a nyc day...:p

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