Thursday, December 25, 2003

1st tym ko mgxmas d2 sa manlia.. la lang.. hectic... and mejo di ko gnon ka-feel na xmas...

rush day! we went to QC to drop my cuz's mejo ngmkha kmeng walking 'xmas tree...
ta's un, road trip wid my mom! di mhglap dad ko so we have to commute!!! aion, bad trip pa ung bus na nskyan nmen! as in!
we arrived at my aunt's house, saw my cousins ('drei,brian,brad)
went home kinda l8, coz we dropped by rustans 2 buy some stuffs for noche buena...
reminisce sa bus (comparing xmas in bcol and hir in mla...)
noche buena (pro not the usual food kc we're 4 lang nman...k2miss bcol!!!)
opening of gifts!!! sympre ako pnka mdmeng gifts! mwuahahaha!!!
tenkshu sa mga gifts ng mga pipol!!!

supposedly sa valley1 kme mgmmass, but NO!!! l8 na nman mga tao d2! (my mom prefer mass sa valley1 kc gleng ng priest) so un, we were forced to hear the 10am mass...
hehehe...kaantok ever!!! ta's un, barok session daw during the mass (c kuya ng sbe nun) *careful, dnt mention nmes* bsta un, hehehe...
i saw krizel &family, kristine &family, omar &family, cla rach din ata andun...(bro lang kc nya ang nkta ko)

haay, aion, julius (a former classm8 na mtgal na ngk2ilangan ever since grade 5) is helping me out to plan for a get-together (grade6 reunion)..
wow! prang alang nngyari pg nguusap kme sa net.. hehehe.. infairness, im glad na nguusap nkme.. (he's my best boy bud back in grade1-2, gradeskul "love team" daw, kya ngkailangan nd ol)
yuck! corny pla nmen nung gradeskul! hahaha!
nweiz, aion, we're trying to gather all their numbers or at least sa friendster mnlang...
ta's ska na kme mgpplan for the d8 nd location...

so there, tegan wants us to get-together din...ako daw mgplan! hwaaat!!!
(she's my very first bestfriend, she left lhmi wen they're in grade 4 *i think* during that tym asa st.james ako nun) so un...

sna m2loy lhat ng plans!!!
gudluck sken!!!

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