Tuesday, December 06, 2005


wat a day!
woke up at around 10am...hehehe...ptgalan kme ni chiaki sa kama...:p
aion, and i woke up craving for chowking's braised beef... so there, when sedric picked me up sa dorm, we ate at chowking...hehehe...
ta's un, exam nmen knna sa zoology lab..
hay, aion...2mrow alang class! but we'll go @ greenbelt for another coffee session. lolz!

Friday, December 02, 2005


hehehe..can't think of a good title eh...
nweiz, we had our prelim this morning sa phy6 lab...
and sort off half day kme, supposedly,kung lam lang nmen na ndi p2sok c dr.olaer..
but NO! we waited for 2 hours for his class sbay di dmting...nyc dba??
oh well..so there, since ayaw pa mguwian ng mga tao, ngfoodtrip nlang sa mendiola square...
bondingan,and as usual laitan ng mga prof... lolz!

buti nlang nkrting ako ng dorm bgo umulan...
and now, ngpa2lipas ng oras d2 sa comp.shop... la pa mga roomies ko...kbored...hehehe...
ala lang...

Monday, September 19, 2005


just an ordinary day...same old routine..
la lang...some things stay as complicated as avril's song.. *lolz!*
hay, i wish i didn't asked stuffs nlang to avoid what im feelin ryt now..
*aaw, senti!*
if things happened b4, it can happen again... yeah, that's wats on my mind l8ly...
wwaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! praning! stop na van!

anyways, just go with the flow...

kae and eka: upload na the pix dali!!!!!:p

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

..you first believe..

you first believe

How many times did I pray you'd find me...
How many wishes on a star,
Gazing off into the dark
Dreaming I'd see your face
Safe at home unafraid,
Captured in your embrace.
So many times when my heart was broken,
Visions of you would keep me strong.
You were with me all along,
Guiding my every step.
You are all that I am
And I'll never forget.
It was you, who first believed
In all that I was made to be.
It was you, looking in my eyes.
You held my hand and showed me life.
And I've never been the same,
Since you first believed.
There were times when I thought I'd lost you,
Fearing forever was a dream.
But it wasn't what it seemed,
Placing your hand in mine,
You could see in the dark,
You were guiding my heart.
It was you, who first believed
In all that I was made to be.
It was you, looking in my eyes.
You held my hand and showed me life.
And I've never been the same,
Since you first believed.
It was you, who first believed
In all that I was made to be.
It was you, looking in my eyes.
You held my hand and you showed me life.
And I've never been the same,
Since you first believed.
How many times did I pray you'd find me...
How many wishes on a star...

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

hay, lyf...

*looking @ 8am choir's pix!*
waaaah! miss ko nkyo mga dude!!!
hwla lang...
here i go again...missing pipol!
choir, highschool peepz, cuzins...
nko!!!! wla na! andrma!
hay...anlabo mo van!!!

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Closing Cycles

Closing Cycles -- By Paolo Coelho
One always has to know when a stage comes to an end. If we insist on staying longer than the necessary time, we lose the happiness and the meaning of the other stages we have to go through. Closing cycles, shutting doors, ending chapters whatever name we give it, what matters is to leave in the past the moments of life that have finished. Did you lose your job? Has a loving relationship come to an end? Did you leave your parents' house? Gone to live abroad? Has a long-lasting friendship ended all of a sudden? You can spend a long time wondering why this has happened. You can tell yourself you won't take another step until you find out why certain things that were so important and so solid in your life have turned into dust, just like that. But such an attitude will be awfully stressing for everyone involved: your parents, your husband or wife, your friends, your children, your sister, everyone will be finishing chapters, turning over new leaves, getting on with life, and they will all feel bad seeing you at a standstill. None of us can be in the present and the past at the same time, not even when we try to understand the things that happen to us. What has passed will not return: we cannot for ever be children, late adolescents, sons that feel guilt or rancor towards our parents, lovers who day and night relive an affair with someone who has gone away and has not the least intention of coming back. Things pass, and the best we can do is to let them really go away. That is why it is so important (however painful it may be!) to destroy souvenirs, move, give lots of things away to orphanages, sell or donate the books you have at home. Everything in this visible world is a manifestation of the invisible world, of what is going on in our hearts and getting rid of certain memories also means making some room for other memories to take their place. Let things go. Release them. Detach yourself from them. Nobody plays this life with marked cards, so sometimes we win and sometimes we lose. Do not expect anything in return, do not expect your efforts to be appreciated, your genius to be discovered, your love to be understood. Stop turning on your emotional television to watch the same program over and over again, the one that shows how much you suffered from a certain loss: that is only poisoning you, nothing else. Nothing is more dangerous than not accepting love relationships that are broken off, work that is promised but there is no starting date, decisions that are always put off waiting for the ideal moment. Before a new chapter is begun, the old one has to be finished: tell yourself that what has passed will never come back. Remember that there was a time when you could live without that thing or that person nothing is irreplaceable, a habit is not a need. This may sound so obvious, it may even be difficult, but it is very important. Closing cycles. Not because of pride, incapacity or arrogance, but simply because that no longer fits your life. Shut the door, change the record, clean the house, shake off the dust.
Stop being who you were, and change into who you are

Thursday, January 27, 2005

.:for valentines day:.

99 ways 2 knw if u luv him!

1. He’s on your mind before you sleep.
2. He’s in your dreams.
3. He’s the first thing on your mind when you wake up.
4. You smile every time you hear his name.
5. All the love songs make sense on you.
6. You doodle his name when you have nothing to do.
7. You greet him when there is a special occasion.
8. You want to stay in touch with him.
9. You prepare his food when you have a chance to do so.
10. You feel sad every time he’s sad.
11. You relate the lyrics of the song to him.
12. You call him up even without a reason at all.
13. You miss him every second when you’re not with him.
14. You dream about your future together.
15. You love everything about him.
16. You hug him and never want to let go.
17. You daydream about him.
18. You’re your stories include him.
19. You write letters to him, though your handwriting isn’t that pleasing.
20. You compose poems/songs/quotes and dedicate it to him.
21. Forever is not a fantasy for you.
22. He kissed you and you’re wishing for it to last forever.
23. Being with him even for a while means a lot to you.
24. His smile completes your day.
25. You look at him and see an angel in front of you.
26. You’re never ashamed to declare your love for him in public.
27. You text him for no reason at all.
28. You include him in your prayers.
29. You tell him whatever he missed in school or about something.
30. You visit him when he’s sick.
31. He’s the reason why you cry, but he’s also the only person who can stop you from crying.
32. His face is tattooed in your mind.
33. It’s okay to lose something, but not him.
34. You tend to be sweet even if you’re not.
35. He’s always your inspiration in everything you do.
36. You never get tired of him.
37. You always worry about him.
38. You always remind him to take care.
39. You always tell him to don’t stay up too late.
40. You sleep the same time he does.
41. All of his jokes make you laugh.
42. You keep a picture of him in your wallet.
43. Everything just falls into place.
44. You can’t bear to get mad at him for so long.
45. You never get bored when you’re talking to her.
46. His name is on top of your phonebook.
47. You call him, “baby”, “angel”, or “HUN” etc.
48. Math or any hard subjects seem easy.
49. You keep a picture of him secretly in your closet.
50. You look at your inbox and see messages only from him.
51. You want to talk to him everyday.
52. You don’t answer your phone’s call waiting when you’re talking to him.
53. You always wanted to be close to her.
54. You hang out with his friends.
55. All things given by him are displayed in your room.
56. A picture of him is under your pillow.
57. You know that no one compares to him.
58. You spend time with his family.
59. You don’t get irritated in his long hours of bath.
60. You always want to be informed about the things happening to him.
61. He can always count on you.
62. You believe in everything he says.
63. You try to do everything he asks you to do.
64. You would do anything just to be with him.
65. You always inform him where you are and what you’re doing even when he’s not asking.
66. You stand up for them.

67. You always use the perfume he wants on you.
68. You can eat in front of him.
69. You remember him whenever your phone beeps.
70. Everyday seems like a Valentine’s Day whenever you’re with him.
71. You accept him for what/who/isn’t he is.
72. You enjoy imitating him.
73. You go insane when he’s mad at you.
74. He always looks great on you.
75. You say “I love you” and you are 100% sure about it.
76. You never tell him lies.
77. You feel terrible when you’ve hurt him.
78. You don’t force him with something he doesn’t want.
79. You feel very comfortable with him.
80. You don’t get embarrassed even after getting humiliated in front of him.
81. You spend a lot of time thinking about what to give/do in his birthday.
82. You can tell him everything.
83. You can’t wait to see him again even if you were just with him minutes ago.
84. You know you can sacrifice anything for him.
85. You enjoy the feeling of him holding your hand.
86. You get the lyrics of his favorite song.
87. You watch the shows/movies he likes.
88. You enjoy the feeling having his head rested on your lap/shoulders.
89. You can understand what he’s feeling even just through his hand.
90. He’s the only guy you flirt with.
91. You always have time for him. (Despite of a very busy schedule)
92. You learn a lot from him.
93. Lifetime seems a short time for you to express your love for him.
94. You shower him with compliments and it really comes from your heart.
95. You help her accomplish all his work.
96. You always understand him.
97. You are loyal to him.
98. You feel lost without him.
99. You can’t bear losing him.

Wednesday, January 19, 2005


hay, dme nngyre..
where will i start ba??
--part nko ng univ. choir
--LQ last2 nyt
--watch "raise ur voice" for the 2nd tym khpon sa gateway
--astig sa gateway!:p
--LQ ulit knna, i dunno y...
--gmwa ako ng sort of assign sa chem.
--wla nkong maicp!

hehehe... wla lang...
ubos na allowance ko for this week! and mg2stos ko na ung money for vaccination ko!
hay nko! wla lang!
im not making sense...

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

after 10 years!

haha... im back! la lang...

belated mEwy christmas and hapi new year!!!!

so there, hehehe....
carlo: yeah, pncn ko nga blockm8s mo cla...
actuali, b4 ko pa npncn... nweiz, yves was here sa manila last xmas...ng meet2 nga cla2 nla danielle, pabo, julius and ryan e... unfortunately, i wasn't able to go with them kc i have fever...ung iba nman 'di pwde kc new year...eh, kyo nla abi..mlmang anlyo nyo d2...
aion, share ko lang..:p

ale: yeah, hrap... nsa2bon ako mnsan pgmay ng2wang mali..hehehe.. pro okei lang..:p

rach: mishu!

mawik! mgload ka na ng sun!!!!!!!!!!!!:p